Etiqueta: fgsr (página 1 de 6)


Hi everyone 

For those of you attending the evening conversation-building workshop, here you have a clear example of how to set the debate on the topic we were talking about last day. In this document you’ll find interesting ideas on the topic and on how sterile the discussion could become when it gets off the focus around the basic concerns we all have on the pros and cons of both kinds of transports.
Apart from that, you’ll also find attached a clip taken from youtube on the same topic and carried out by real native people trying to make it clear the advantages and disadvantages of both means as well as other new concepts like CARPOOLING, LOW COST MOBILITY, etc
I hope you’ll enjoy them!

Invitación Halloween 2013

La próxima semana celebraremos Halloween en el CITA y realizaremos alguna actividad especial y específica de este día. Además, las familias de los niños y niñas de nuestros talleres de inglés están invitadas a venir y participar en las actividades que realizaremos con sus hijos.

Aquí os pongo la invitación que les daremos para que os hagan llegar. Animáos a venir si podéis porque lo pasaremos terroríficamente bien!!!

Adjetivos posesivos, possessive adjectives

En algunas de nuestras clases de Ponte al día con el inglés, estamos repasando y aprendiendo ahora los adjetivos posesivos. Aquí podéis repasar dichos adjetivos así como escucharlos y practicar con ejercicios.

Adjectivos posesivos (possessive adjectives). Una página web donde podéis leer y escuchar muchos ejemplos con adjetivos posesivos.

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4

The house: vocabulario de la casa

You can learn here vocabulary related to the house and furniture. You have videos and webpages where you can read, listen and do lots of exercises for practice. I hope it is useful and have fun learning too.

Podéis aprender aquí el vocabulario relacionado con la casa y el mobiliario. Tenéis videos y páginas web donde podéis leer, escuchar y hacer un montón de ejercicios para practicar. Espero que os resulte útil y os divirtáis aprendiendo también.

List of words: Read and listen the parts of the house and furniture into them. Lee y escucha las partes de la casa y los muebles que hay dentro de ellas.
Pictures and words. Look at the pictures, read and listen to the words. You can also do some exercises. Mira los dibujos, lee y escucha las palabras. Podéis hacer también algunos ejercicios.
Picture vocabulary. A lot of words and pictures. Muchas palabras y dibujos.
EXERCISES. Many exercises to practise all the vocabulary you know about the house.

Electrical appliances (escucha cómo se dicen los electrodomésticos en inglés)

Furniture (escucha cómo se dicen el nombre de algunos muebles en inglés)

Learn and take a test (aprende y haz un ejercicio)

Learn and practise (aprende y practica)

Vocabulary game: find the pairs (juego de vocabulario: encuentra las parejas)

Exercise: write the name of the objects (ejercicio: escribe el nombre de los objetos)

Many  different exercises

Many different exercises

Many different exercises


Watch the video below and try to understand what these people did yesterday. (Mirad este vídeo e intentad entender lo que estas personas hicieron ayer)

Here you can learn about the form and uses of the Simple Past. Notice that you have some links on the document to new information (about irregular verbs and the form ‘used to’)

Aquí podéis aprender la forma y usos del Pasado Simple. Daos cuenta que también tenéis vínculos dentro del documento que os dará nueva información (sobre verbos irregulares y la forma para expresar ‘solía’)

Simple Past_uses.doc

You know  there are two groups of verbs when we study the
simple past: REGULAR and IRREGULAR verbs. We will talk about  REGULAR VERBS on the first place.

When we study the past simple of the regular verbs we have to study the SPELLING and the PRONUNCIATION very carefully. Before practising, you can study the rules you need about these two aspects if you click on the following link:

past simple-spelling and pronunciation rules.doc
You need to practise all this:


Here you are some pages where you can do some exercises online and check if they are right! (Aquí tenéis algunas páginas donde podéis hacer algunos ejercicios online y comprobar solos si están bien!)

Exercise 1 (only the first exercise is about regular verbs)
Exercise 2 (fill in the gaps)
Exercise 3 (personal information and past simple)
Exercise 4 (write sentences in the past)
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
Wordsearch (look for ten regular verbs)


You need to listen how the ending -ed is pronounced, so here you are a web page to do so: pronunciation of -ed. This is quite difficult to do, but if you practise a lot it will be easier. Here you are two pages where you can practise the pronunciation of the ending -ed.

1 Listen and choose how the past ending -ed is pronounced (cómo se pronuncia la terminación de pasado -ed)

2 Listen and choose if the pronunciation is correct or wrong.

It is time now to study PAST SIMPLE of IRREGULAR VERBS  in English. To do so you have below a video for listening comprehension practise and some webpages with explanations and exercises.


Here you are now the list of IRREGULAR verbs in English and a link to a webpage with exercises for pracitse. Here you are another webpage with explanations and exercises.

Exercise 1 (was or were)

Exercise 2 (was or were)

Exercise 3 (fill in the gaps)

Exercise 4 , Exercise 5, Exercise 6, Exercise 7 (put the words in order)

Lots of exercises


These Were the Days of Our Lifes by Queen.

Yesterday by The Beatles 

Because You Loved Me by Celine Dion

No Reply by The Beatles

You’re Beautiful by James Blunt


Sample Past Tense. Read the text and write a similar one telling what happened to you.

Try this exercise about linkers

List of linkers



Antiguas entradas

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