Ponte al dia con el inglés

Hello everybody!

In this blog you have useful and interesting pages where you can practice grammar, vocabulary and listening.
You can write comments and suggestions, too.
STATIVE VERBSHere you are two useful webpages where you will find a lot of information about the Stative verbs in English.

Webpage 1. It is in English. There is a video, a list of the state verbs (and a pdf to download), explanations, exercise.

Webpage 2. It is in Spanish. List of state verbs with examples

Webpage 3. In English. Stative Verbs and exercises.

Exercise. Say if the sentences are Correct or Incorrect


Spanish explanations (explicaciones en español con muchos ejemplos para escuchar)
English explanations (explicaciones en inglés con ejemplos y ejercicios para imprimir con soluciones)
Exercise 1 (completa)
Exercise 2 (elige la opción correcta)


Here you have some webpages where you can find useful information to learn about questions and question words or interrogative pronouns in English. Then you also have some webpages so that you can practise.

Grammar Explanation:

Constructing Questions (Construir Preguntas) Explanations in Spanish with a lot of examples.
Question Words A list of the question words in English and Spanish
Wh-Question Words A list of question words with their use/function and examples (in English)


Choose the correct interrogative
Choose the correct interrogative
Choose the correct interrogative
Lots and lots of different exercises related to questions and question words


You already know some vocabulary of the weather and how to talk about it. Here you will find even more vocabulary and exercises to do for practice. I have also included two interesting videos where you may practise your listening skills and all the words you know related to the weather.

(Ya sabéis algo de vocabulario del tiempo y cómo hablar del tiempo. Aquí encontraréis incluso aún más vocabulario y ejercicios para practicar. También os he incluído dos videos interesantes donde podéis pracitcar vuestras habilidades de comprensión auditiva y todas las palabras que conocéis del tiempo).

Vocabulary list 1 Spanish-English and listening (Lista de vocabulario español-inglés y audio)
Vocabulary list 2 English-Spanish and listening (Lista de vocabulario inglés-español y audio)
Vocabulary list 3 English with pictures (Lista de vocabulario en inglés con dibujos)
Vocabulary list 4 English with pictures and listening (Lista de vocabulario en inglés con dibujos y audio)

Listening Game (Juego de audio)

Many exercises of different kinds (Muchos ejercicios de diferente tipo)

Hi guys!!! Here you have the videos and the songs with the lyrics we learnt in class. Enjoy them!!

And here you have the other video…

Hi!!!How are you?
I found a web page with lyrics and videos where you can listen your favourite artists at the same time as you read the lyrics. I hope you like it!!


Most of you all have studied There is, There are, some, any, countable and uncountable nouns. This is a bit difficult topic in English and that is why I have selected some interesting webpages with lots of exercises for practise, as well as documents with useful information to learn.
La mayoría de vosotros habéis estudiado There is, There are (hay), some, any, nombres contables e incontables. Es un tema un poquito difícil en inglés y por este motivo he seleccionado algunas páginas web interesantes con muchísimos ejercicios para que practiquéis, así como documentos con información útil que aprender.

Countable and Uncountable nouns (in Spanish)

Exercises countable and uncountable nouns

Explanation of There is, There are, Some, Any (in Spanish)

Exercise There is, There are, some, any, a, an

Ten exercises of different kinds (explanations in Spanish)

Exercises some, any, much, many

Exercises much, many, few, little, a lot of

Exercises a, an, the, some

Exercises some, any

There is, There are, There was, There were


In English we tell the time in a completely different way as we do in Spanish (just the opposite, as some of you usually say). Here you are some interesting and helpful webpages where you can learn and practise the way we tell the time in English. I hope the help you.

En inglés decimos la hora de una manera completamente diferente a como la decimos en español (lo contrario, como alguno de vosotros suele decir). Aquí tenéis una páginas muy interesantes y útiles donde podéis aprender y practicar la manera de decir la hora en inglés. Espero que os sirvan.

English explanation and exercise
O’clock times (horas en punto) with listenings, videos and lots of exercises.
Time Picuture List with all the times as well as videos and lots of exercises.

More exercises


Here you are two videos about how to make a ‘tortilla española’. I’m sure all of you know how to make a ‘tortilla’ but I thought you would like to know how non Spanish people make it, and overall this is a good reason for practise your listening. Anyway you have some links below where you can practice the vocabulary on food. I hope you have lots of fun learning!

Aquí tenéis dos videos de cómo hacer una tortilla de patatas. Estoy segura de que todos vosotros sabéis cómo hacer una tortilla pero pensé que os gustaría saber cómo la hacen fuera de España, y sobre todo que practiquéis el inglés oído. De todas formas tenéis unos vínculos más abajo a páginas web donde podéis practicar vocabulario de las comidas. Espero que os divirtáis mucho aprendiendo!

VOCABULARY EXERCISES A lot of different kind of exercises with different levels (muchos tipos de ejercicios con diferentes niveles)

INTERACTIVE EXERCISES Look for the exercise that fits you in these 10 pages of exercises (busca el ejercicio que te vaya de estas 10 páginas de ejercicios)

In the following links you have picture dictionary sheets. Pass the mouse over the picture and the word will change from Spanish to English and viceversa. En los siguientes vínculo tenéis hojas de diccionario con dibujos. Pasa el ratón por encima del dibujo y la palabra cambiará de español a inglés y viceversa.



When talking about adjectives we should also talk about comparative and superlative adjectives. Here you have all the information you need to know to form them.


In the following websites you can also find information about how we form the comparative and superlative adjectives in English, as well as exercises for practise. I hope everything is useful for you.

Comparison of adjectives, a webpage with explanation and many exercises.
Comparative adjectives, grammar explanation by the British Council and some links to related pages.



In this document you have all the information you need about the Present Continuous tense in English. You can find how to form this tense and when we use it. En este documento tenéis toda la información que necesitáis del Presente Contínuo en inglés. Podéis encontrar cómo formar este tiempo verbal y cuando usarlo.

Present Continuous.doc

Now you can practise and do lots of exercises in the following links. Ahora ya podéis practicar y hacer muchos ejercicios en los siguientes vínculos.

English Exercises: Present Continuous (There are exercises about the Present Continuous and the Present Simple so read the description of the exercise first. Hay ejercicios sobre el Presente Continuo y el Presente Simple, así que leed la descripción del ejercicio primero)

In the following links there are a lot of exercises so look for those you can do and you feel happy and confortable. En los siguientes vínculos hay muchos ejercicios así que buscad aquellos que podáis o sepáis hacer y donde os sintáis bien y cómodos.




You can learn here vocabulary related to the house and furniture. You have videos and webpages where you can read, listen and do lots of exercises for practice. I hope it is useful and have fun learning too.

Podéis aprender aquí el vocabulario relacionado con la casa y el mobiliario. Tenéis videos y páginas web donde podéis leer, escuchar y hacer un montón de ejercicios para practicar. Espero que os resulte útil y os divirtáis aprendiendo también.

List of words:Read and listen theparts of the house and furniture into them. Lee y escucha las partes de la casa y los muebles que hay dentro de ellas.Pictures and words. Look at the pictures, read and listen to the words. You can also do some exercises. Mira los dibujos, lee y escucha las palabras. Podéis hacer también algunos ejercicios.Picture vocabulary. A lot of words and pictures. Muchas palabras y dibujos.EXERCISES. Many exercises to practise all the vocabulary you know about the house.


Here you are a video with a brief explanation of the uses and form of the Present Simple tense. Later on you will find some links to websites where you can find more explanations of the theory and some others just for a lot of practice. I hope all this help you.

Aquí tenéis un video con una breve explicación de los usos y formación del Presente Simple. Más adelante encontraréis algunos vínculos a páginas web donde podréis encontrar más explicaciones de la teoría y algunas otras simplemente para practicar mucho. Espero que todo esto os ayude.

Explanation in Spanish. In this webpage you will find the explanation of the Present Simple tense with examples in Spanish, with the possibility of printing it.

In both the following webpages you will find a complete explanation in English of the form and uses of the Present Simple tense with losts of examples and exercises.

Present Simple

Present Simple

In the following links now you can find lots and lots of exercises of many different kinds in order to practise all your knowledge of the Present Simple.

Exercises (a lot of different kinds of exercises and levels. Just click and try)

Exercise 1 (complete with the right form)

Exercise 2 (choose the correct option)

Exercise 3 (do or Does)

Exercise 4 (change the sentences to the negative)

Exerciese 5 (choose the right option)


You know taht one of the uses of the Present Simple is routines or frequent actions in the present. That’s why we must know what the requency adverbs in English are and where we must place them in a sentence. In this document you have all the information you need to learn the adverbs of frequency, and then you can do some exercises on the webpage links below.

Adverbs of Frequency.doc

Exercise 1

Exercise 2 (wordsearch-sopa de letras)

Exercise 3

Exercise 4


Here you are an interesting webpage where you can learn the numbers in English. You can see the written form as well as listen their pronunciation. Scrolling down the page you can also watch some videos for practise and do a lot of exercises too. I hope you enjoy it and learn a lot!

(Aquí tenéis una interesante página web donde podéis aprender los números en inglés. Podéis ver la forma escrita así como escuchar su pronunciación. Bajando en la página también podréis ver algunos vídeo para que practiquéis y hagáis también muchos ejercicios. Espero que os divirtáis y aprendáis mucho!)

As we are learning the numbers, here we are a webpage with even more exercises. I hope It is useful for you all.


(Como estamos aprendiendo lo números, aquí tenemos una página con algunos ejercicios. Espero que os sea util a todos).


Do you know what these people are talking about? The answer is: they are talking about the past. They are talking about what they did yesterday. But you know that there are two groups of verbs when we study the simple past: REGULAR and IRREGULAR verbs. This time we are going to talk about the REGULAR VERBS.

When we study the past simple of the regular verbs we have to study the SPELLING and the PRONUNCIATION. Before practising, you can study the rules you need about these two aspects if you click on the following link:

past simple-spelling and pronunciation rules.doc

You need to practise all this:

Here you are some pages where you can do some exercises online and check if they are right!
Exercise 1 (only the first exercise about regular verbs)
Exercise 2 (three different exercises)
Exercise 3 (only the first exercise)
Exercise 4 (personal information and past simple)
Exercise 5 (was or were)
Exercise 6
Exercise 7 (was or were)
Exercise 8
Exercise 9
Wordsearch (look for ten regular verbs)
Practise with songs:
a funny song (click on the link above the lyric to watch the video of the song)
Yesterday by the Beatles (don’t worry about the irregular verbs, just enjoy the song)

You need to listen how the ending -ed is pronounced so here you are a web page to do so: pronunciation of -ed. This is quite difficult to do, but if you practise a lot it will be more easy. Here you are two pages where you can practise the pronunciation of the ending -ed.
1 Listen and choose how the past ending -ed is pronounced.

2 Listen and choose if the pronunciation is correct or wrong.

Watch the video again and try to listen all the past of regular verbs the use. Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything!! They are also using irregular verbs and you don’t know them yet!!


Here you are now the list of IRREGULAR verbs in English and a link to a webpage with exercises for pracitse. Here you are another webpage with explanations and exercises.



Here you are some webpages where you can learn the personal pronouns in English and listen to the pronunciation.

Subject Personal Pronouns (Sujetos)

Object Personal Pronouns (Acusativos,Complemento directo e indirecto)

Possesive Adjectives ( Adjetivos posesivos)

Possessive Pronouns (Pronombres posesivos)

Now you know the pronouns you can do the EXERCISES (personal and object pronouns) you have in this website. Take into account that blue is easy and pink is difficult, so start clicking on the links exc in blue, and close those exercises you don’t know. There are a lot of them! You can also do the following EXERCISES (possessives)


Here you are a brief and easy explaination of the uses and form of the verb to be.

(Aquí tenéis una breve y fácil explicación de los usos y forma del verbo to be)

El verbo to be.doc

Practice and more (videos) Aquí tenéis una página con explicaciones, videos y muchos ejercicios para practicar el verbo to be y los prononbres personales.

Exercise 1(fill in the gaps)

Exercise 2 (complete and fill in the gaps)

Exercise 3

More exercises (you can try exercises 1,2,3 and 4)

More and more different kind of exercises


In this website you can read about the verb have and/ or have got. It is in Spanish, so read carefully.

Exercise 1: Complete with the correct form of have or have got.

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer

Exercise 3: Have got and to be

Exercise 4: Have or to be

Exercise 5: Be or have got

Exercise 6: Put the words in the correct order

Exercise 7: Answer the questions

Exercise 8: Choose the correct answer

In this video you can hear and read examples of sentences with the verb HAVE GOT



Here you are some webpages where you can listen the vocabulary and practise the names of the body parts with a funny game. Hope enjoy them!

listen and learn the body parts

play a game



You know that the general rule to make the plural in English is adding -s, but there are cases where we add -es. In the following webpage you can see all the cases and the exceptions to form the plural of nouns in English.

Note: Use the dictionary everytime you need it!!

the plural explanation

the plural explanation

Here you have a video with the explanation of how to form the plural.

Now you can do some practise with these exercises:

exercise 1_write the plural form

exercise 2_plural spelling

exercise 3_irregular forms

exercise 4_mixed

exercise 5_singular or plural?

plural_test 1

plural_test 2

plural_test 3

Here you can listen how the plural is pronounced

listen the plural of some nouns by topics (por temas). You need Real Player program.


We have studied prepositions of place in class. Here you are some webpages where you can review them and do some exercises and interesting and amusing activities. I hope you enjoy it!

Lern the prepositions in a funny way! where is the mouse?

List of prepositions

Enter this webpage and click on “review.” Then click on the pictures and listen to the prepositions.

Watch a video and choose the correct answer. Here you are another video

Where are the objects in the picture?

Look at the city map and fill in with the correct prepositions


Here you are some interesting webpages where you can learn and practice the names of the family members.

List of words Click here

Listening the words Click here

Listening games:

exercise 1

exercise 2

Vocabulary exercises:

exercise 1

exercise 2

If you want to practice the English alphabet, here you have an interesting webpage where you can listen to it as many times as you need. You can also do many exercises, games and activities for practise so that you can learn how to spell.
(Aquí tenéis una iteresante página web donde puedes escuchar el abecedario en inglés y practicar cómo deletrear a través de ejercicios, juegos y muchas actividades)
Hope you enjoy it
Click here to start

Do you know the colours in English? Try this webpage. Listen the names and do exercises to study the colours. You’ve got matching exercises, listening exercises, writing exercises and an interesting video!

Listen to the colours in this webpage.

Remember that adjectives, and also colours, come BEFORE the nouns. For example, a blue car.
Good luck!
Practica los colores


Questions tags correspond to ¿no? or ¿verdad? in Spanish.
How do we form a question tag? Here you are just an example with the verb to be. However, you can learn more in the links below.
We use the same form of the verb in the NEGATIVE: aren’t you? isn’t he? isn’t she? isn’t it? aren’t we? aren’t you? aren’t they? Here you are some examples:

It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? (Es un día hermoso, ¿no?)
Martha is angry, isn’t she? (Marta está enojada, ¿verdad?)
You are really tired, aren’t you? (Estás muy cansado, ¿no?)
They’re very nice people, aren’t they? (Son personas muy agradables, ¿no?)

Click here and do the exercises for Present Tense/To Be Verb/Affirmative

Click here for more explanations and exercises

Click here for explanation and exercises

Click here for an explanation in Spanish, and click here for more, and click here for even more

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3



Once we know the days of the week, months, and seasons, we can put it on practice.

you can listen and get use to the right pronunciation.

(Una vez que sabemos los días de la semana, los meses, y las estaciones, lo podemos poner en práctica.

Puedes escuchar y acostumbrarte a la ponunciación correcta.)

Here you have a webpage with activities:


Here you have some games to practice vocabulary

Days of the week go to the game

Months of the year video and exercises, more exercises

Months and Seasons go to the activities

Months go to the exercises

The Date (webpage with a brief explaination and months, days and other thing vocabulary)

Exercise 1 (write the dates)

Exercise 2 , exer 3 (how we read the years)

Exercise 4 (write the dates)

Exercise 5 (multiple choice)

Exercise 6 (match the dates)





Are you sure you know the nationalities…??

Test yourself in this web page. (click here)



This is one difficult aspect of the English grammar. Here you are the grammatical rules and explanation with examples, and links to some web pages where you can practise with some exercises.

Good luck!

To form the possession with the Saxon genitive we put ‘s (apostrophe s)to the noun (the person that has something) and then the object that he/she has.

For example,

John’s mother - la madre de John
The Queen’s daughter - la hija de la reina
John’s school - la escuala de John
It is John’s car - es el coche de John

To form the possession of plural nouns we put only (apostrophe) to the noun and then the object that they have.

For example,
The teachers’ school - la escuela de los profesores
It is my brothers’ toy - es el juguete de mis hermanos

Now it’s time for practise!!
exercise 1
exercise 2
exercise 3
explanation and exercises

Hi guys!!
Last Thursday, American people celebrated Thanksgiving. This is just an American tradition but we can learn some culture about it. Here is the video we saw in class, I hope you liked it!!! click on VIDEO

Nowadays we have thousands of examples of english in our everyday life. We can see advertisements, tv commercials, films… so here we have a very popular tv commercial. I´m sure it is familira for you all. I hope you like it!!

1 Comentario

  1. Hello!
    I have just found your post and it is very interesting. It cover mainly all the basics when you start learning English. I would like to suggest you a website I have just launched and it is very popular with teachers. http://www.linguasorb.com/es/ingles/verbos/verbos-irregulares
    It is a free resource for learning languages (Spanish, French and English) with the full conjugation of every verb, in negative, affirmative and contracted form . I hope you like it, and I am open to any suggestion for improving it 🙂


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